Journal Of My Spiritual/Magical/Philosophical Explorations

Through out the past twenty years or so, I've done a good bit of exploring the mysteries. I've written about some of my thoughts and epiphanies, which I've collected here. While I've undergone a few changes through the years, there's always been a certain self directed aspect to my efforts. However one defines the various paths, I am certainly making my own way through the untraveled bushes. Maybe these forests aren't untravelled after all. Yes, there are travellers all around me. I hear their sounds, and they may inspire me in ways I know not yet. Perhaps YOU are a fellow traveller. Welcome!

Take then my words with care. SEEK YOUR THE SOURCE OF YOUR OWN DIVINITY. Believe not the words of any other but what your own Higher Self, endowed with intuition and reason, tells you.

May the Joy of Hathor, the Strength of Set, the calm clarity of Ptah, the logical precision of Djehuty and the vision of HeruWer be yours!


Entries from August 2013 to December 2016
Entries from January 2017 through December 2019 are on another index page,
and entries from 2020 through 2021 are on THIS page.

If you want to return to the index page of these older entries, return to this page,
rather than the referring link on each entry. Thank you!

Renewal, August 3, 2013

The Highest Good, September 1, 2013

Three Step Process, September 8, 2013

The Importance of the Name, November 28, 2013, edited October 15, 2016

The Breath of Life, December 13, 2013

Many Types of Transformation, January 12, 2014

The Most Sacred Shrine, January 17, 2014

She Guards it Well, January 25, 2014

New Discoveries, February 9, 2014 (Further comments February 10, 2014)

By the Strength of Her Love, February 15, 2014

No "Either-Or", February 17, 2014

Some New Additions, March 22, 2014

Every Breath a Gift, March 26, 2014

Enough, April 3, 2014

Living Kemeticism, May 4, 2014

To the Great Mystery, May 13, 2014

The Arrival!, May 22, 2014

Housekeeping of the Soul, May 29, 2014

Pink Lemonade and Poets, May 31, 2014

A Simple Little Altar, July 20, 2014

I am Blessed, August 3, 2014

Thoughts While Washing, August 24, 2014

This Divine Moment of Meeting, November 2, 2014

Dealing with Critical People, November 29, 2014

"Remember!", December 7, 2014

Shrine Renovation, March 29, 2015

Scenes with the Ba, April 4, 2015

Joan, Full of Names, May 3, 2015, Amended May 30, 2015

Grateful, July 10, 2015

A Peaceful Meditation, August 8, 2015, amended August 19, 2015

"Relaxed Atropaic" Shrine, September 20, 2015

Fostering Ma'at, December 5, 2015

Hymn to Hathor, December 6, 2015

Revisiting an Old Art Piece, January 5, 2016

Set Statue Idea, February 4, 2016, Revised June 14th

Morning Doxology, February 11, 2016

Hathor Statue in Natural Light, May 8, 2016

Ma'at Watching Over Wepwawet Statue, May 21, 2016

New Additions, May 30, 2016

Evening Doxology, June 1, 2016

Wepwawet is At Last Upright!, August 28, 2016

Wepwawet Looking Fine!, September 11, 2016

Horus Statue Idea, November 10, 2016,

Progress!, December 24, 2016

Newer entries from January 2020 through the present are on another index page.
Go to INDEX of Markings Of My Path - 2017-2019
And even OLDER entries are under this link.

Always 'refresh' or 'reload' the page to get the latest version!

all of the above © Joan Ann Lansberry

(The concepts expressed here are an EVOLUTIONARY process.
Dates are included to record their linear progress.
Older entries are here, showing that "evolutionary" process.

They are a 'work-in-progress'
I am a 'work-in-progress'

Joan's site at large:
poetry, prose, photos and paintings

Gallery of Egyptian Inspired Art

BOOK Images of Set: Now Available!!!

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If you MUST leave, then try these fine sites:

The Kemetic Bloghop

Kemetic Interfaith Network

Itenumuti has a fine blog
and a good gathering of Kemetic sites to visit

Itenumuti's list of Kemetic resources

Satsekhem also has an excellent list of resources

Links will be expanded at some point, until then, I link just to others' fine gathers! :)

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