December 13, 2013 Ink pen and colored pencil on acid free paper, 17.8 x 25.3 cm (7 x 10 in.), Model is a detail of Ramesses II given life by the goddess Nekhbet, at the Louvre
I've often imagined this life-giving scene as I inhale deeply, taking in the gift of life from the god Set. There are many scenes of the pharaoh being blessed by both Horus and Set, one example here:
The larger scene from which that tiny crop is derived is from the New Kingdom, likely from the reign of Thutmose I.
Recently I discovered a Middle Kingdom text in which the subject calls to Set, 'great of awe' to give him air:
From Coffin Text 407, Spell for the 7 knots of Mehet-Weret:
"O Seth who is in his peaking moment, great longhorned ox who is in
From Breathing Flesh: Conceptions of the Body in the Ancient Egyptian Coffin Texts,
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