The light just seemed right, this afternoon. So I snapped.
I've been slowly working my way through The Theology of Hathor of Dendera:
Aural and Visual Scribal Techniques in the Per-Wer Sanctuary, by Barbara A. Richter. I'm up to page sixty-nine. I admit, I've been mostly baffled by all the unusual things done in the Ptolemaic period when it comes to iconography and writing. Dr. Richter's book is opening up that for me, showing me how they used their inventive glyphs to express many concepts about Hathor, the other deities and the pharaoh. Old Kingdom through New Kingdom will always remain my favorites, but it's really good to be able to appreciate the subtleties in this era, too.
I must admit, quite often through my reading, I hear in my mind's ear "It's all about the Wordplay"