January 5, 2016
It started out as a square design, then I wanted to make prints of it. Seeking something to fill the extra height, I opted for the "Khepera Kheper Kheperu" phrase. Setians render it with the Greek "X" spelling"
''I Have Come Into Being, and by the Process of my Coming Into Being, the Process of Coming Into Being is Established.''
Setians use this phrase, which was originally uttered by the creator Ra in the "Book of Knowing the Transformations of Ra and the Overthrowing of Ap/p". Setians use the "X" because Budge used the "X": |
The phrase is in a papyrus known as The Rhind Mathematical Papyrus. The section with this phrase is in The British Museum. Budge used standard hieroglyphs, but the text is originally in the cursive hieratic form. As you can see, Budge's translation is different from the Setian translation. His is clearly the speech of a creator god, whereas the Setian translation is about an individual seeking the process of willed conscious evolution. Anyway, as a Kemeticist who seeks the most accurate translation, as bad as Budge is, I'm certain it is the speech of a creator god. As we know, other gods than Set have that role in the various creation mythologies, Khnum and Ptah, along with Ra. But not Set! Set, however, has much to do with the Overthrowing of Ap/p. So because of this, I decided to take this piece out of the gallery. Meanwhile, there are other Kemetic perspectives which I can use to include it here! Set and the DNA! More specifically, Set and my "spiritual" DNA. Set may not be a creator god like Ra or Ptah, but Set has much to do with my spiritual evolution. As I sense my Ba's (the eternal aspect of my soul, aka "Higher Self") origins in both Set and Hathor, I can reclaim the "tinkering Set", :) . To take this phrase again:
The materialistic among us may think this is a comforting illusion, and they are free to think so. By what process did they come to think this? Ah, but then that's the story of THEIR "coming into being", with all of its complex factors. Meanwhile, I am grateful to Set for calling to me over a decade ago and helping me to find the strength within my self, when I was feeling so bereft after Laura died. |