18th Dynasty Deity

New Kingdom, Dynasty 18, Reign of Amenhotep III, ca. 1390-1343BCE
Purchased in Luxor, 1919, OIM 10607
Photo ©Joan Ann Lansberry, 2010

The info card explains:
"Because this statue lacks distinguishing characteristics as well as a hieroglyphic inscription, we cannot determine what deity it represents." He is holding a Was scepter, and "the features of the head closely resemble official representations of King Amunhotep III, yet the lack of uraeus (snake) at the brow indicates it represents a deity, not a king."

Examples of 'official representations': two statues at the Metropolitan museum and colossal head at the Cairo Museum, (taken by Su Bayfield)

The Metropolitan museum has an example of a mysterious 18th Dynasty deity, and the Brooklyn Museum does, as well.
All three of these bear Amunhotep III's pleased smile! (As his name means "Amun is content", he is looking content.)

A rather fouled photo of OIM 10607, it may be more useful for its view of items behind it, to understand museum lay-out.
We can see the two Thoth amulets above the amulets of Bes and Taweret and to the right, the magical wand.
Photo ©Joan Ann Lansberry, 2010