Saturday, January 23, 2021
Second Progress Report: Julia's Portrait

Border "ingredients": Gold= 834, 472, and 734; Brown=730, 792, and 830; Pink=782, 3340 and 3064

Twenty days after the first progress report, I've finally gotten enough done that I've got something worthy to show. Going hoopless, I'm not forced to begin with scary face details. So I'm working on the border!

Julia's border "ingredients" are different than those that are in my portrait border:

For mine, I have: Gold= 834, 3046, and 833; Brown=830, 3031, and 3808; Pink=3064, 21, and 3773.

I needed to do differently because the color harmonies are different in Julia's portrait.

A working image, showing Julia's border color shifted eleven degrees to the right in PS (reducing the 'red' component).
Yellow becomes more greenish and pink becomes orangish.

As I said back on December 22, 2020

Taking a crop of an earlier process photo, and doing the 180 hue shift,
to see what thread combo I would need to achieve the light purple,
(or did I want a less contrasty combo, for a less 'heathered' result?)

Possible threads for Julia's background

I was rather sure of 28, 30 and 3839, wishing a less 'heathered' background, achievable with the lighter purplish blues.
(But I sent for the darker bluish purples so I would be prepared in any case.)

Getting the greenish yellow element in the border was easy, as I already had the threads on hand. Getting the orangey-pink took a few trials, as my first test combos were too reddish.

But obtaining the correct brown required four trials! The dark teal I'd used in my brown created a sour note. I remembered the dark bluish purple 792, which I didn't use for the background. I tried it with the dark brown 3031, and the olive 730, but that was much too dark. So I traded out the 3031 for the 830 greenish brown I'd used in my brown. I finally have a combo that 'sings' in harmony with the rest of the border, and with the background, as well.

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