Statue of Sehetepib Senaaib

Seated statue of Sehetepib Senaaib
Sudan (Kerma, tumulus K III), Middle Kingdom, Dynasty 13, 1780–1640 B.C.E.
Granodiorite, Height 84.5 x Width of base36 x Length of base 39 cm (33 1/4 x 14 3/16 x 15 3/8 in.)
Harvard University—Boston Museum of Fine Arts Expedition 1914, MFA #14.721
Photos ©Joan Ann Lansberry, 2014

"The man portrayed in this statue, Sehetepib Senaaib, served as the Chief of the Council of Upper (Southern) Egypt. His large smooth wig and long high-waisted garment are characteristic of the dress of the late Middle Kingdom. A prayper for offerings is inscribed down the center of the garment. Sehetepib Senaaib probably commissioned the statue for his tomb or a sanctuary; however it was discovered in the burial mound of a king at Kerma im what is now Sudan, along with other Egyptian sculptures including the statue of Lady Sennuwy, also on view in this gallery. Exactly why and how the kings of Kerma collected this array of Egyptian sculpture remains uncertain." (From info card)

Photos ©Joan Ann Lansberry, 2014

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