A "Book Of Life"
"Tracing My Roots"

January 2023 refinement of DNA map via 23andMe:

Still 99.8% European!

August 2022 brings further refinements to the DNA map:

Eastern Europe & Russia, 33%
     Western Czechia:
     Eastern Plzen & Western Central Bohemia
Sweden & Denmark, 28%
     Northern Sweden:
     Västerbotten & Norrbotten
     Uppland, Gästrikland & Hälsingland)
Germanic Europe, 17%
Scotland, 7%
England & Northwestern Europe, 4%
Finland, 3%
Baltics 2%

I've kept the history of the evolution of the DNA origins below:

September 2021 brought further detailed colorful results from my spit test for ancestry.com:

April 2022 brought new detailed colorful results from my spit test for ancestry.com:

Eastern Europe & Russia, 32%
     Western Czechia:
     Eastern Plzen & Western Central Bohemia
Sweden & Denmark, 30%
     Northern Sweden:
     Västerbotten & Norrbotten
     Uppland, Gästrikland & Hälsingland)
England & Northwestern Europe, 12%
Scotland, 10%
Germanic Europe, 9%
Baltics 4%
Finland, 3%

I've kept the history of the evolution of the DNA origins below:

September 2021 brought further detailed colorful results from my spit test for ancestry.com:

Eastern Europe & Russia, 29%
Sweden & Denmark, 29%
     Northern Sweden:
     Västerbotten & Norrbotten
     Uppland, Gästrikland & Hälsingland)
Germanic Europe, 16%
Scotland, 10%
England & Northwestern Europe, 7%
Finland, 6%
Norway, 3%

The most recent update to the 23andme profile occurred on July 28, 2021:

September 2020 has brought more detailed colorful results from my spit test for ancestry.com:

The Swedish area is much more specific (now 27% Swede (as opposed to 18% Swede), also the percentage of Eastern Europe and Russia (Now 29% (as opposed to 17%).

December 2018 has brought new colorful results from my spit test for ancestry.com:

It's very similar to the April 2018 results, but there's some changes.

As of April 2018, a great deal of improvement in understanding the DNA has gone on. You can see the history after this most recent and rather accurate findings from 23andme:

You can see they've narrowed it down to Sweden, Czech Republic and Germany, along with "broadly Northwestern European".

Meanwhile, here's the slow progress as I learned it through time:

My National Geographic kit arrived May 17th, 2005. I swabbed my cheek twice, eight hours apart, and put the tiny jagged scrub tools into the two tiny vials provided for them, and sent the package in. The results came in today. Here is the path of my ancestral migration, based on my matrilineal line:

Info from the project:

I am a member of haplogroup J. This haplogroup is the final destination of a genetic journey that began some 150,000 years ago with an ancient mtDNA haplogroup called L3. Haplogroup L3 occurs only in Africa, but on that continent its derivatives are found nearly everywhere. L3's subclades are most prevalent in East Africa. A single person of the L3 lineage gave rise to the M and N haplogroups some 80,000 years ago. All Eurasian mtDNA lineages are subsequently descended from these two groups, and were the first human migrations out of Africa.

The macro-haplogroup N is composed of many subclades, which are often geographically distant. Haplogroup R is descended from N and has since dispersed across much of the globe. The lineage, in its many subgroups, appears on all continents except Australia and Antartica. Subgroups preHV, U, T, and J are found in Europe and the Near East. The R5 and R6 lineages arose on the Indian subcontinent.

Perhaps I come by my attraction to Egyptian things naturally, for look where my ancestors passed through or by!
One theory is they followed the Nile River northwards.

Haplogroup J arose some 10,000 years ago (on the R line of descent) in the Near East. The members of this group were among the first farmers during a period known as the Neolithic Revolution. The lineage's early agricultural successes spawned population booms and encouraged migration from the Middle East north and west into Europe. The growth of farming was directly responsible for the rise of modern, sedentary communities and cities.

Today this lineage is found throughout Europe, with concentrations in western Eurasia - the Caucasus, Russia (west of the Ural mountain), and the region of the eastern Baltic Sea.

Looking at 'East of Baltic Sea', you can see the Czech Republic, with its capital of Prague, from whence my Mother's people came:

On the WESTERN side of the Baltic Sea is Sweden, from where my Grandmother on my Father's side traces her ancestry.

I look at the DNA map
The seeds of 'me' were carried that far, all the way from Africa.
Should I feel a world traveler, then...
I was on the northbound 'train',
Was it on foot, or did my ancestors use horses?
'Scatterlings of Africa' plays in my mind.
I don't look like my mother, but I do look like my maternal grandmother.
Seeds of me, carried far...

Here are each of us captured in our forties.
Although I don't resemble my mother,
I do seem to very much resemble my maternal grandmother:

In December 2013, I got my 23andme results, which explores this in a little more depth:

"Maternal haplogroups are families of mitochondrial DNA types that all trace back to a single mutation at a specific place and time. By looking at the geographic distribution of mtDNA types, we learn how our ancient female ancesters migrated throughout the world."
"Along your mother's line, you have ancestry in Europe/the Near East in the past few hundred years, that traces back to east Africa around 50,000 years ago."

The Nat Geo swab test revealed I am of haplogroup J. The 23andme spit test revealed further: I am J2b1a, which is a subgroup of J2, and Haplogroup J2 is a subgroup of J.
Age: more than 20,000 years
Region: Europe, Near East
Example Populations: Dutch, German, Spanish, Italian
Highlight: J2 may have entered Britain with invading Anglo-Saxons.

Taking all DNA into account, not just maternal, I am 99.9 percent European. Further research delineates the 'European' aspects :

Taking the above raw data, which includes all the genetic coding, Julia showed me how to upload it into another DNA website, gedmatch.com, whereby I got further info, neatly summarized via 'pie charts', via 'analysis algorhythms'. The two sources, 'Harappa' and 'Mdlp' come up with similar info,:

North-East-European: 50.78%; Mediterranean: 26.86%

North-East-European: 50.70%; Atlantic_Mediterranean_Neolithic: 30.11%

And here again is the results from April, 2018, much more specific:

You can see they've narrowed it down to Sweden, Czech Republic and Germany,
along with "broadly Northwestern European".

Next section, years 1 through 5
Book Of Life Index
© Joan Ann Lansberry