Year One
I was born November 10, 1958, before color photography was common.
"What happened in my life physically, socially, and mentally/psychically during this year?"
I'm cold, I'm wet, I'm hungry! Is anyone listening? I'm cold, I'm wet, I'm hungry! I'm cold, I'm wet, I'm hungry! Wah! I'm cold, I'm wet, I'm hungry! Wah! Perhaps if I scream louder, I must scream louder! I'm cold, I'm wet, I'm hungry! I'm still cold, wet and hungry! I'll strain my noise maker to the maximum! Wah! "I'm cold, I'm wet, I'm hungry!" Finally, I am dried, I am blanketed, I am fed. I am secure, I am happy.
Perhaps even then, I was learning the exercise of my strong will, that only in persistence would I get results.
So many puzzles. This wetness which I find so uncomfortable, I am learning I am making it. I can hold it back and if I cry in a certain way, big adults do something about it. So many puzzles, and I think I'm getting a clue or two. As then, so now. Life is filled with 'so many puzzles', and I think I'm getting a clue or two.
Later on, I am learning so many words. Walking is fun, too. I like to explore things. This house is so big. Still later on this year, my world changes. Old house was big, new house is bigger, and it's scary. Those huge stairs, they are immense. This is scary, this is all scary. What does it mean, that big dark red drape across the door to one room? There are mysteries there, scary mysteries. And who is that tall man of the booming voice who calls himself 'Uncle Bill' and seems surprised that I do not know him? Was I supposed to have known him? He seems so certain that I should. Have I missed something? There was a clue somewhere, and I missed it, or I'd know him. How could I have missed it? And what's behind that curtain? There is something big and important behind that curtain, I know it! I will learn this mystery in time.
Fifty five years later, I still do!
''Put your toys away!''
''Put your toys away!''
My mother shouts back, ''Put your toys away!'' Wait! Angry Father! Where did he come from? He is grabbing me and hauling me upstairs! He is hitting my butt so hard. Mother starts screaming, ''Stop! You're hurting her, you're making her red!'' Father screams, ''She has to learn!''. Mother is still protesting. I will endure. I will endure this mean man who calls himself 'Father'. But it hurts so much. ''Stop!'' Mother screams again. I can take no more. I burst out sobbing. I can't fight this mean man. Great heaving sobs. My butt hurts. Finally, he quits. I do not like him. I do not like the conclusions I've reached, that sometimes I have to do what he wants. I really don't like him. As I lay in bed, still sore, I simmer on low heat. I don't like that man, his judgements are too harsh. When I am bigger, I will do something about that. And so the 'rebellious angel' plots...
That's how I described it in a 'short bio' written in 1995. In 2004, these words offered no new insight into this day. However, I remember it as a significant day in my life. I've thought of it often, when examining my past. I didn't know then that I was a serious child. I didn't know that other children my age were not busying themselves with asking the meaning of life. All that mattered for me was that I'd received my clue, the answer. Actually, it wasn't a passive 'receiving', for the answer arose out of myself. Also, it shows there is deep roots for the optimistic view of my life which I hold now, for I had even then the belief in my own power to make changes. In time, indoctrination with the concept of being a wretched sinner would try to change this original optimism. But having once had it, I was later able to reclaim it.
I think my mother believed me after that.
Book Of Life Index © Joan Ann Lansberry