Set, Great-of-Heka
July 30, 2022

Set, Great-of-Heka

Hail, Set Great-of-Heka!
May your children be Great-of-Heka!
Enfold us, surround us, equip us!
Grant us strength!
May our muscles of memory serve to remind us:
We are not alone!
We have never been alone!
Those who have gone on before
watch from behind their shadowed vantage.
Their words and deeds live onn, to remind us:
We are not alone!
Strength lends to strength!
With Your heka, we have an interwoven,
invisible net of uniting protection surrounding us,
enabling us!
Oh Set, Great-of-Heka!
Strengthen this uniting protection!
Shore up the spine of our souls!
Enable us to withstand
against the onslaught of isfet.
You who battle mightily the Great Foe,
Equip your children!
Unite your children!
Shield your children!
Grant us your confidence!
May the Heka of Coming-Into-Being be ours!
One step leads to another step
and to the next.
What is not clear now
gradually becomes clear.
Oh Set, Great-of-Heka!
May Your children be Great-of-Heka!

Thoughts become words become deeds.
We shall see where they lead.
Moment to moment, we are transformed.
We turn our "maybes" into "Yes!"
May possibility inspire us!
The Ancestors require us!
Those who come after require us!
We are part of an unbroken chain of hope,
when we see connections,
when we feel connections.
Do you hear the ancestors whispering?
Strong women say:
"Day to day...
age to age...
We will not give up!"
Because they kept strong,
we can keep strong.
The chain will not be broken.
Those who come after will grab the links.
It is written in the stars,
engraved in the monuments of immortal memory,
and pulses in the rhythms of creation.
All who seek will sense it.
It begins with seeking,
it begins with opening,
opening our narrow aperture of consciousness
"Just a little."
"Just a little," that's how the hope gets in.
"For just this moment," that's how the hope gets in.

Hail, Set Great-of-Heka!
May your children be Great-of-Heka!
Enfold us, surround us, equip us!
Grant us strength!
May our muscles of memory serve to remind us:
We are not alone!
We have never been alone!
Those who have gone on before
watch from behind their shadowed vantage.
Their words and deeds live on, to remind us:
We are not alone!
Strength lends to strength!
With Your heka, we have an interwoven,
invisible net of uniting protection surrounding us,
enabling us!
Oh Set, Great-of-Heka!
Strengthen this uniting protection!
Shore up the spine of our souls!
Enable us to withstand
against the onslaught of isfet.
You who battle mightily the Great Foe,
Equip your children!
Unite your children!
Shield your children!
Grant us your confidence!
May the Heka of Coming-Into-Being be ours!
One step leads to another step
and to the next.
What is not clear now
gradually becomes clear.
Oh Set, Great-of-Heka!
May Your children be Great-of-Heka!
Kheperu! Dua Set! Nekhtet!

---Joan Lansberry
(Senuwierneheh - "My Two, Forever")
June 5, 2022
Printable version

If you feel Set calling, then you count as a "Set kid".
Set doesn't need to be your official "Father" or even "Uncle" to be one of his "kids".

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