A Milestone Day
November 10, 2023


I turn 65 today. It is a milestone birthday. I give honor to the Akhu (loved ones who have passed) who did not make it this far.

I remember a very young cousin, only five, felled by leukemia. I think I was also that age, quite in awe at Kenny's funeral.

My memory, it may be hazy.

Laura, at age 63, when I was only 42.

This photo might be of Laura at 59?

The heart attack and the opportunistic infections! In some ways I am still only 42.

* * *
My Dad, at age 62, felled by lung cancer.

He might be 60 in this photo?

It seems like such a long time ago, nineteen ninety-three, 1993. For some reason, I'd thought he made it to 63. Faulty memory! A cousin at 'find-a-grave' notes "Uncle Russell loved music." He did love music. He had a guitar, a mandolin, a clarinet and a violin. He was best at the guitar, if I remember right. He loved to strum while my mother played the piano.

Sadly, they didn't have many years to enjoy those duets, before they parted.

Most of the Akhu made it into their eighties, though. But Mother made it to only 75. I sure would have called her more often, if I'd had any clue.

The days pass by rapidly.


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