Thursday, August 10, 2023
Lotus Interlude

Oh, I have a long way yet to go on the tapestry of Ma'at. But I took a break for a quicker project. I got inspired to do an Egyptian lotus.

I hunted on the web for a design, and found a black and white one that had possibilities. I worked up a color scheme digitally:

Putting paper over the monitor I traced, and then I put that paper under the canvas...

I had to make the buds smaller to fit the designated hanger....

And then a scan before it goes on the hanger....
Colors used: Navy blue 820, turquoise 995, light turquoise 996,
light green 702, medium green 700, dark green 699, white (blanc) and black 310
I created all the colors by blending the above colors.

I sent for a lotus pendant to sew on the bottom, also.

Tuesday, August 22, 2023
Lotus with Lotus Pendant

The pendant was made in Egypt

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