Sunday, February 3, 2013
"Two Rivers Ren Faire"

Julia did good while I was at work, and won two tickets to the Faire!

After doing some errands, we arrived in time to see the 10:45am show of Adam the Juggler:

The flyer is right: "PG13: This show has balls! and other Dangerous Flying Objects."

Yes, he juggles swords!

He juggles fiery objects! (After first balancing one on his nose...)

Next, Julia got intrigued by The World According to Galileo"

They get lots of audience participation and laughter as we learn everything revolves around the sun

I absolutely did not want to miss Banat Table Bellydance!

A very flexible dancer did a solo...

They did an amazing sword dance.

Garry Siler next appeared on this stage, and we enjoyed his lively traditional music from the comfort of a shady bench. I did get up to get a photo from a better viewing perspective:

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