Renoir's Paintings from Various Museums

MET - By the Seashore

PMA - The Seine

ARTIC - Alfred Sisley

ARTIC - The Laundress

ARTIC - On the Terrace

ARTIC - Mme. Léon Clapisson

ARTIC - At the Piano

ARTIC - Lucie Berard

NGA - The Dancer

GETTY - Albert Cahen d'Anvers

ARTIC - Chrysanthemums

MET - Margot Berard

MET - Madame Bernier

ARTIC - Acrobats

MET - Mme Charpentier & Children

MET - Two at Piano

MET - Eugène Murer

MET - Tilla Durieux

NGA - Girl with Watering Can

PMA - Two Girls Reading

MET - Daughters of Catulle Mendès

MFA - Small Victorious Venus

NGA - Odalisque

MFA - Flowers in Earthenware Pot

MFA - Woman w/ Parasol & Small Child

MFA - Grand Canal, Venice

Kasser - Head of Venus

LACMA - Two Girls Reading

Kasser - Draped Woman
Impressionist Art at the Metropolitan Museum of Art
Impressionist Art at the National Gallery of Art
Impressionist Art at Chicago's Art Institute
Degas' Art from Various Museums
Mary Cassatt's Art from Various Museums
Monet's Art from Various Museums
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