Yuny, 19th Dynasty

Statue of Yuny
Dynasty 19, reign of Seti I to reign of Ramesses II, (ca. 1290-1260 BCE)
Limestone, Asyut
Rogers Fund, 1933 (33.2.1)

This view from 2009, view above from 2008

2009 detail...

(From the info card)
"Yuny, shown kneeling, is dresses in the robe, wig, and sandals of a nobleman. His eyes and eyebrows, originally made as inlays, are now lost. Between his knees and outstretched arms he holds a shrine with a figure of the god Osiris. Yuny's wife, Renenutet, is depicted on both sides of the statue's back pillar."

Here's Renenutet, another statue features her equal size

"An inscription on the statue's base indicates that it was made for Yuny 'according to his living image' by his assistant, whose name is lost.

"This is one of two statues of Yuny found in or near the tomb-chapel of his father, the chief physician Amenhotep, in the New Kingdom necropolis of Asyut. Yuny probably commissioned the chapel after his father's death. Graffiti on the walls of the chapel indicate that it was a place of pilgrimage in the Rameseside period, perhaps by visitors seeking the intercession of Yuny's father in healing ailments. Although Yuny himelf is not called 'physician' or 'chief physician' on his monuments, he probably followed his father in that occupation, as he did in most of his other offices. On this statue he has the title 'overseer of Sekhmet's lay-priests,' which indicates his association with the medical profession."

2012 detail showing Tyets and Djed pillars...