Ptah with Ankh and Djed
Stucco, 5 1/4 x 3 5/8 x 7/8 in. (13.4 x 9.2 x 2.3 cm)
Late Period-Ptolemaic Period, 4th-3rd century B.C.E.
Provenance not known (Memphis?)
Brooklyn #86.226.17, Gift of the Ernest Erickson Foundation, Inc.
Photo © Joan Lansberry, May 2008-2016

Likely appearance of totality....

He probably also held the Was-scepter (which has been broken off in this fragment)

(From the Museum website):
"Ptah is shown here as he often is, enveloped in a heavy garment and holding a staff topped with symbols of life and permanence The egg-shaped skull, the projecting chin, the fine cosmetic lines, and the depression at the corner of the mouth are features found in a considerable number of works of the fourth and third centuries B.C. The purpose of this and other small-scale stucco reliefs of the Late and ptolemaic Periods remains uncertain. To judge from comparable works, the relief is probably from Lower Egypt, perhaps the area of Memphis, of which Ptah was the chief deity."