The idea for the Hathor/Sekhmet medal began during the Festival of the Beautiful Reunion in June of 2017. Inspired by Julia's gift to me of a coin featuring Anubis (Yinepu), and subsequent research into its designer and the medallions she crafted, I designed two rounds featuring Hathor and Sekhmet.
I first started with the drawing of Sekhmet. I used museum photos of two different statues of Sekhmet at the Met museum. One had the right angle I wanted, but it lacked a crown and uraeus, so I consulted a different statue's photo to get those. Once I got Sekhmet drawn, I started on the drawing of Hathor. I used photos of her statue at the Turin museum for guidance. That statue of Hathor has a damaged uraeus, so I was able to flip the uraeus from the first drawing and adapt it to this drawing.
The idea is that the two deities are "two sides of the same coin", gentle Hathor can become fierce Sekhmet, fierce Sekhmet can become appeased and soften into gentle Hathor. The designs are such that the eyes of each deity are exactly placed to be in the same spot on either side.
I found it fascinating to compare the medal design and its realization. I think the mint used a digital three-dimensional creation program, unlike the more traditional method of creating a very large clay model.
(Heidi Wastweet shares the traditional method via this link.)
It's interesting to see what lines their artist kept, unaltered, except for the shaping.
The Hathor side seems mostly unchanged, except their artist greatly refined her mouth:
The Sekhmet side also was refined:
The artist added hairlines, (which I forgot), and did a different thing with the collar, which makes a better contrast. Also, the hieroglyphs seem a bit larger and nicer.
I wanted to make a medal for Set, too. However, the cost of having dies made is very expensive. So I opted for a less expensive method. I know from watching some videos online, the process for a medal or medallion is an additive one. I sent for three inch round wooden discs, one to serve as the base upon which the clay was put. I started with coating the disk in clay:
I had the pattern printed out.
How to delineate the borders? I couldn't etch them in, I had to add them.
Looking at Hathor's beautiful medal, I saw the forward sections are higher up.
Therefore I started with the areas that would be farther away in three dimensional space, the back ear and the back shoulder, and moved forward from there.
I might have done some more smoothing, as its roughness is quite apparent!
But perhaps this serves to illustrate this deity better! Set's a bit "rough", while Hathor is completely refined!
I'm glad to have been able to make these come into being.