Overwhelming Emotions

While the three of them waited at the wizard spires for transport, they each shed their pale illusions, and sat down to ponder the day's events.

Lilah was pleased much good happened. Kaaldar got to have his say, and Chloe had not lost her Mother. Much more than that could not be expected.

Kaaldar was feeling quite overcome with emotion. He wasn't sure if they'd have rather he kept his mouth shut, but he could not let those lies stand uncontested. He would have felt less than a man. To be robbed of one's voice was the worst indignity he could imagine.

He felt a deepening pride in the power of his own voice. He felt good to the core of his being. ''A beautiful rage,'' the inquisitor had said of Chloe's anger. He felt that welling up within in him now. He felt himself strong, no longer hesitant, puzzled and weak. He smiled with his new sense of fully being a man, feeling a good self love welling up through out him.

He then turned to Chloe, hugged her, and planted a big kiss on her pouty blue lips. Right now, Chloe looked so small and frail. That these people could hurt such a beautiful woman filled him with rage. How could he make it better for her? He wanted to, but he didn't know how. Maybe some things just couldn't be made better.

He kissed her again tenderly. Her eyes were full of tears that had not yet left them.

She could scarcely contain her overwhelming emotions. There were so many of them bubbling up from deep within. First off, was love for Kaaldar. She took her turn kissing him, open mouthed. She was so grateful to know such a rich and tender love. That the people she had called family all her life could not appreciate his fine merits hurt deeply. She kissed him again tenderly.

The 'Mystic Voice' announced fifteen minutes until departure to the moon. Chloe took a deep breath, and cast her eyes far, taking in sights she would not likely see in a long time. There were so many emotions in her, she knew she'd be a long time processing them all, ''Hell, a LIFEtime . . ,'' She ruefully thought.

The 'Mystic Voice' annunced ten minutes until departure. Except for the three of them, only one other waited for transport, some Half Elf of vague distinction.

No others came, until a small High Elven child wandered by. No doubt a frantic mother would soon follow. The woods were a dangerous place for one so young. The girl took in the sight of the people waiting for moon travel, and exclaimed, ''Oh my gosh, three BLUE people!'', wide eyed. The three blue people all laughed.

Chloe remembered back to when she was young and saw her first inky. She had stood staring at the inert blue corpse with a mixture of awe and fascination, for they were rumored to be such bad people. That one she saw laying on the ground didn't look like he'd been so frightening. Still, she remembered the lurid feeling she'd had. She'd try to be more forgiving of these pale Elves, even if it was difficult at times . . .

With that thought, the 'Mystic Voice' announced, ''One more minute . . .''

''GOODBYE, GREATER FAYDARK!'' Chloe shouted. And then they were beamed moon-ward.

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