Friday, March 26, 2021
Portraits of Nit and Nut

It started with the silhouette design for a base for a relief of Nit.
I traced around the outside of the silhouette.

I did likewise for Nut,
tracing around the outside of the silhouette.

I next worked on coloring them, and making sure they looked well together:

Julia had a special request for this art work. They are the decan of the 'jaws' of Taurus, the 'jaws' being 'A'aryt' in Ancient Egyptian, (Source: _The Ancient Egyptian Daybook_, by Tamara L. Siuda, page 319) These stars were the stars rising at the moment of Julia's birth.

This is the sky as it looked at the minute of Julia's birth,
the stars are elevated four degrees above the horizon.

Julia's drawing, following the scene above from Stellarium, showing the two largest stars ascending.

Here is an 8x10 version of Nit, solo, looking to the left.

Julia wanted the stars there, as when they are rotated, they echo the shape of Nit's crown:

The sky thirteen hours and thirteen minutes after Julia's birth, where Aldebaran is four degrees about the western horizon.
It looks like the red crown when the sun is setting.

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