Saturday, May 4, 2019
More Lovelies Seen at Dayton Art Institute

I return with some more photos from my visit to the Dayton Art Institute.

The Artist in His Studio, 1987
Charles Wyatt Eaton, Phillipsburg, Quebec 1849 - 1896 Middletown, RI
Oil on canvas
Gift of John Elderkin to National Academy, May 14, 1902

The artist...

Eaton was a student of the National Academy of Design, but in 1872, he moved to Paris, where he studied at the École des Beaux-Arts under Jean-Léon Gérôme. Wyatt Eaton is remembered as being one of the founders of the Society of American Artists, and was their first secretary in 1877. This society "was formed in 1877 by artists who felt the National Academy of Design did not adequately meet their needs, and was too conservative." (Source: Wikipedia)

Loi Fuller, 1896
Raoul-François Larche, Saint-André-de-Cubzac 1860 - 1912 Paris
Gilt bronze
Gift of the James F. Dicke Family, Dayton Art Institute, #1998.27

"RAOUL LARCHE" is neatly engraved near the edge of Fuller's hem.

Raoul-François Larche "was a French Art Nouveau sculptor whose work included several figures of Christ, but who may be better known for his numerous female figures, both nude and draped." This statue of Loie Fuller is "one of his best known statues". (Source: Wikipedia)

Reclining Woman with Red Hair, 1906
Théophile van Rysselberghe, Ghent, Belgium 1862 - 1926 Saint-Clair, Var, France
Oil on canvas
Gift of Mrs. Erwin D. Swann, Dayton Art Institute, #1960.93

Théo van Rysselberghe "was a Belgian neo-impressionist painter, who played a pivotal role in the European art scene at the turn of the twentieth century." (Source: Wikipedia)

"The influence of the French artist George Seurat and his pointillist technique is evident in Rysselberghe's painting of a half-naked woman lying on a sofa. The paint is applied in broad, regular strokes that enliven the painting's surface, and whose bright colors give it an added dynamism. This pointillist-inspired style is one of many highly expressive and richly coloristic methods of painting that developed around 1900 in the aftermath of Impressionism. The subject, too, is a common on in the period - a partially clad woman caught in a moment of repose, with little to indicate to the viewer what, if anything, has led her to be painted this way.

"Van Rysselberghe was one of the founding member of a group of Belgian artists called Les XX (Vingt), or The Twenty. Beginning in 1884 they arranged exhibitions of European contemporary artists, especially French Impressionists and Post-Impressionists, including Claude Monet, Vincent Van Gogh, Odilon Redon, and others. Van Rysselberghe's own work shows the influence not only of Seurat but also of Monet." (From info card)

His unique signature...
An interesting self-portrait

Hollyhocks, 1911
Frederick Carl Frieseke, Owosso, MI 1874 - 1939 Mesnil-sur-Blangy, France
Oil on canvas
National Academy diploma presentation, November 2, 1914

Frieseke "was an American Impressionist painter who spent most of his life as an expatriate in France. An influential member of the Giverny art colony, his paintings often concentrated on various effects of dappled sunlight. He is especially known for painting female subjects, both indoors and out." (Source: Wikipedia)
Frieseke at LACMA
Frieseke at ARTIC

I was charmed by the lovely trees in bloom seen in the window to the Hale Cloister:

Fawn, c. 1930-1936
Carl Paul Jennewein (Stuttgart, Germany 1890-1978 Larchmont, New York) Bronze
Gift of Dr. and Mrs. E.R. Arn, Dayton Art Institute #1946.39

Before reading the info card, I thought this deer might have been done by Paul Manship, another sculptor to have worked in the "Greco Deco" style popular in the late 1920s and 30s. "Greco Deco" arose out of the Beaux-Arts tradition, combining Greek Greek and Roman traditions with those of the then fashionable Art Deco.

Jennewein was elected into the National Academy of Design as an Associate member in 1929 and became a full Academician in 1933. Jennewin was also a chairman of the board of trustees of Brookgreen, which supports American figurative sculpture. Medallic Art Collector has a nice gallery of the medallions Jennewein did. The Smithsonian also has a couple medallions. LACMA has a nice example of his Greco-Deco sculpture, called "Greek Dance".

All Photos ©Joan Ann Lansberry 2019

I know will share more photos from my visit in the future!

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