Tuesday, March 26, 2019
Slow Progress (but Progress!)

I felt an immediate identification when I read this in the Cézanne bio last night:

"For both men, progress was a hard slog. Goncourt mocked Flaubert as the 'one-word-a-day-book-constructor'. Much the same was said of the mythical interval between Cézanne's every brushstroke."
(Alex Danchev, Cézanne: A life, (Pantheon Books, 2012), page 147)

I always despair of being slow. Slow in my studies, slow in my art, slow! I hope to live to 120 years to make up for it. Meanwhile, while putting up the little Toulouse-Lautrec gallery, I was impressed to learn that in his brief illness filled thirty six years he created:

737 canvased paintings
275 watercolours
363 prints and posters
5,084 drawings
some ceramic and stained-glass work
an unknown number of lost works[8] (Source: Wikipedia

He certainly made up for the brevity of his years. While my physical frame, on the other hand, will need to last for another sixty years to make up for my slowness! (I joke, really, I'm quite grateful for however long I do manage to get, mindful of the fact that some don't even get to sixty.)

After I read that, I thought I'd take a break from the reading to do a drawing, as it had been nearly a week since the last one. (Wow, time goes by so fast, I swore it had been only a couple of days...)

I thought I'd give my lovely statue of a reclining Set sha (sculpted by Lena Toritch) a good examination, in order to fix its head details in my mind as I slowly work on my seated Set statue.

I did come up with a solution on how to solve the "hand holding the ankh" problem of the statue.

Sekhmet offering the ankh...
Sekhmet Seated
From Thebes, Karnak, temple of Mut, reign of Amenhotep III, 1390–1352 B.C.E. Granodiorite, W x H x D: 126.6 x 53.3 x 66.7 cm (49 13/16 x 21 x 26 1/4 in.) Gift of John A. Lowell and Miss Lowell 1875, MFA #75.7

I designed a big loop ankh to be made via Shapeways. I can secure it with the clay hand, and thereby have a perfectly even tiny ankh. (Although 2cm wide might not be so tiny for the statue? Still a big ankh might suit Set?)

The adventure continues...

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