Saturday, March 26, 2016
Colored Drawing - Offering to my Mother

Colored pencil 8x10 print-out of an original sharpie pen on 14x11 bristol board with digital alterations
"A voice offering (of) a thousand bread and beer, a thousand ox and fowl, a thousand alabaster and linen for the ka of Gloria, the justified."
The book pile represents some of my mother's interests: cars, biographies, airplanes, history, and if she could have known about today's advances in DNA testing, I'm sure she'd be fascinated to know she and I are members of the "J2B1a" line!

The original sharpie pen on 14x11 bristol board with digital alterations

The digital version of the colored print-out has had even more digital alterations. I realized the water canteen and the "1000 of" glyphs were facing the wrong way. Although I'd taken note of which came first, I failed to realize the glyphs needed flipped. Now the "1000 of" matches the others, and the canteen's handle is facing towards my mother, as is the coffee pot's handle. (Also, now that I'm studying the Collier hieroglyph book, I realize the glyph in "a voice offering" is the same as the glyph in the "justified" or "true of voice" phrase. So I edited that part, too. :) )

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