Saturday, May 10, 2014
"Old Photos of Mom and Grandparents"

May 10, 2014, a day before Mother's Day, I found this photo of my mom laughing, and scanned...
(Other photos from that day in 1993 here)

Thirty years earlier, I'm in a Thanksgiving photo with my maternal grandparents and a very young looking mother:

November 1963?, and my mother had cooked Thanksgiving dinner, and oh do I look happy for good food!. (Full size underneath.)
Maybe I get my love of cozy flannel shirts (red plaid and all) from my maternal grandfather?

An amusing thing, if you see this photo fullsize, you'll notice that my mother has a pencil tucked behind her ear! When I showed this to Julia, she said, "Oh, that's something they did back in the 50's." Maybe so, but I'm further amused to remember they did this in the 2350's, too, 2350's BCE, that is! A figure on the right side of Old Kingdom Nakhtsae's throne, who is shown writing on a piece of papyrus, is identifed as 'the scribe Sekhem-ka'. He is equipped with a second pen, which is stuck in his hair." My photos of this statue aren't as clear as the museum's photo, in which you can see the pen.

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