Wednesday, July 27, 2011
"Our Daily Cup"

The mandala...

The original, digitally colored

The original, sharpie pen on printer paper...

The initial drawing was a quick intuitive drawing. It occurred to me, I could make it fit the Friday Illo theme of Perennial:

Perennial (Our Daily Cup)

In all seasons of the year, regularly repeated, usually without interruption, we must have our DAILY CUP!
(Whether it's coffee, tea or water, we guzzle constantly!)

Definition of PERENNIAL (via
1: present at all seasons of the year
2: persisting for several years usually with new herbaceous growth from a perennating part (perennial asters)
3a : persistent, enduring (perennial favorites)
3b : continuing without interruption : constant, perpetual (the perennial quest for certainty>
3c : regularly repeated or renewed : recurrent (death is a perennial literary theme)

In all seasons of the year, regularly repeated, usually without interruption, we must have our DAILY CUP!
(Whether it's coffee, tea or water, we guzzle constantly!)

Sunday, July 31, 2011
"Frisky Set and Horus"

Quick Sharpie Pen on Printer Paper

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