Ink pen and colored pencil on acid free paper, 17.8 x 25.3 cm (7 x 10 in.),
quite a bit changed from the original:

It's been quite a while since I was inspired by the Illustration Friday theme. But this week I was. The theme is ONOMATOPOEIA, a word that sounds like the thing it represents.

Thanks to the efforts of Jeff Burzacott of "Hieroglyphica", I had just such a word in mind.

The Onomatopoeia doesn't have to be in English. The ancient Egyptians called the cat "Miu"!

I found the reverse side of the sarcophagus for Prince Djehutymose's beloved cat Tamit in Jaromir Malek's _The Cat in Ancient Egypt_

The other side of the sarcophagus at the Cairo museum looks a little different.

I assembled my sketch model, but found I liked both versions of the cat and the offerings presented to her. So I created a model from each:

I drew, looking at both the two versions...

After scanning it, and removing the spirals, I then created another version:

A variation on the theme ...

© Joan Ann Lansberry, 2013