(From this journal entry
I thought, there's a truth in that beyond the moment of a coffee drinker in a diner aware of someone outside. It is like that with all perceptions. Reflections of our ownselves obscure details of the other. Similarly, I won't worry about others perceptions, for they, too, have that reflective window between us. But occasionally the thin wall clears a bit... Meanwhile, I thought, "what a good idea for a drawing!" I am all out of my favorite 11x14 bristol board, and all I have left is larger or smaller. I chose larger, and so the original of this is on 18x24 inch paper. (What a bother to scan! It can't be done in only four scans, but many scans, copied and pasted.) Eventually I got an image I could work with.
I'm not sure how I will color it, whether by hand on a small printer print or digitally... |