Art Buchwald 1925-2007
(drawn from a photo taken at his 80th birthday celebration)

© Joan Lansberry

January 19, 2007

The news was all in the papers, Art Buchwald had died. I hadn't paid much attention to this Pulitzer prize winning journalist who has written more than thirty books. THIRTY books! You think I'd have paid more attention. Anyway, I paid attention to the column he wrote that he wished distributed following his death. What was he thinking about so close to death? What regrets had he had? "For some reason my mind keeps turning to food. I know I have not eaten all the eclairs I always wanted." Eclairs! Facing death, he was not saying, "Oh, I should have eaten more steel cut oatmeal," he was wishing for more eclairs.

Chowhound that I am, I so readily identify. Seeking other quotes for which he is known, I found the following:

“Whether it's the best of times or the worst of times, it's the only time we've got.”

So true!

Note of November, 23, 2017, Thanksgiving
As I sit here early this morning, toiling on yet another website re-organization, I'm having a nostalgic time going through all these old portraits. I found a link that worked for his "last column".

In it, he says:
"I know it's very egocentric to believe that someone is put on Earth for a reason. In my case, I like to think I was. And after this column appears in the paper following my passing, I would like to think it will either wind up on a cereal box top or be repeated every Thanksgiving Day."

I'm sure Art's Ka (soul) is very pleased this column is being repeated THIS Thanksgiving! A thousand banana splits for the Ka of Art Buchwald. And a thousand of the tastiest kale salads and a thousand perfectly cooked turkey legs for his Ka , for healthy balance!

(I am again thankful for the many synchronicities in my life.)